Thursday, August 18, 2011


What's the crack with everyone suddenly being 'suicidal' and 'depressed'? Is there something wrong with being a happy teenager all of a sudden? Everyone just goes on about how shit their life is, or how much they hate themselves, etc, when there is actually fuck all of a problem?! Fair enough, tell your close mates or whatever when something is bothering you, but when you start to tell everyone about it including people you hardly even speak to, exaggerate and blow it totally out of proportion it's clearly just for attention. And when you put it all over your Facebook status or MSN or whatever that you don't see the point in your life anymore or that you want to die, just get to fuck. Man up and do it if you're gonna harp on about it so much, we won't miss your attention seeking crap on our homepages.
Another thing that gets to me a lot is when people 'try to kill themselves'. Omg, you took one paracetamol more than you should have, and holy fuck, you scratched yourself on the arm.. you really are suicidal beyond help, aren't you? I just don't get how you can fail at suicide if you wanna do it so badly. If you really wanted to kill yourself you would do more than a couple of cuts on your arm that barely break the skin. Jump off a building or something that's definitely gonna work, not just a pussy little mark on your wrist that everyone can see, which is clearly what you want. People who self-harm genuinely do not do it in places people can see - they do it on their legs, stomach, whatever, not their wrist and then go about wearing short sleeved tshirts for everyone to be "OMG ARE YOU OKAY?!". I don't have a problem with people who are genuinely depressed or suicidal or self-harming or anything, that's not what I'm trying to say, it's just all these fannies that are pretty much taking the piss out of it that make me mad. Ever wondered why people who are genuinely suicidal, if/when they actually do it, no one knows why? Because they didn't go round telling literally everyone; they didn't want attention. Unlike you lot of pathetic little twats. They didn't answer questions about it on Formspring, or plaster it all over their profiles and accounts on stuff. Because it was real, not a shit attempt at getting people to feel sorry for them with stupid little problems they've made for themselves. Just stop taking the piss out of something so serious, you're not cool, no one cares and you'll look back in a few years and realise how much of a fucking twat you were.

That is all.

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