Monday, November 07, 2011

Good Deed

I had the perfect opportunity to steal what could have turned out to be a lot of money tonight. When I was walking home I noticed something on the road next to a car so I had a wee nosey (because it looked like a little toy car - it was dark) and it turned out to be a purse. It looked like someone had dropped it getting out of the car so I assumed the person whose car it was would be in the house that the car was parked outside. I went up to the door and explained how I had found it and I don't think I've ever been thanked so profusely for anything in my life. I'm one of very few teenagers in my area that would consider returning something like that upon finding it, so I'm sure she appreciated it even more knowing that there's someone just down the street from her that isn't your typical Hilton brat. I didn't even look inside the purse to see how much or what was there, I just wanted the lady to have it back. I know what it's like to have lost valuable things and never seen them again and what it's like to have things stolen from you; it's not a nice feeling. So when I saw it, I just had to return it. A couple of people I know have asked why I didn't take it as no one would have known it was me and I could have had lots of money to spend... I don't care. If someone found my purse so close to my home (or anywhere, for that matter) I really do like to hope that it would find its way back to me. I had my phone stolen from right under my nose a week or so back when I was at college, it's not a good feeling when you know that people around you will happily just take your things. So I hope that by giving her back her purse not only will she be happy, but maybe karma will be on my side for if something similar ever happens to me. :)

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