Thursday, November 03, 2011

Messy Break Ups

I will never understand why some people seem to thrive on making break ups harder than they already are, be that people involved with the relationship or people outside it. It's so unnecessary. Why can't you just stay friends? It would be easier for you both, your friends and everyone else around you. I don't know if it's a general girl thing or if it's just girls where I live but the second their relationship ends they go on a mission to make everyone they know hate the person they've just broken up with. Why? Just because your relationship didn't work out doesn't mean you have to turn everyone against them and it certainly does not mean they're a bad person simply because they weren't suited to you. You see a completely different side of someone when you're in a relationship to when you're just friends and I'll admit sometimes that side isn't great but why can't you just say it didn't work for you and leave it, instead of giving everyone this story about how much of an awful person they are? I know lots of people that have been suffocated by a jealous partner or had their partner start arguments constantly, yet they're always the one that's made to look like the bad guy. You don't need to twist things. What's so hard about telling people the actual reason you broke up? I've known people who have said to their boyfriend that it simply wasn't working for them, left him with that reason then spread something completely different and horrible behind their back. Is it a bid for attention? There's no excuse not to at least try to be mature about it. You don't need to spread dodgy rumours about each other or bring up things from the past to make each other sound awful. I think what's worse than the ex-couple themselves doing this is when their friends get involved. Fair enough, you're going to want to be there for your friends, but that relationship was nothing to do with you so why do you feel the need to get involved after it's over? And to be honest, I don't see why it even matters that much to anyone else why they broke up anyway unless it was something to do with that person. It shouldn't affect anyone else, all you need to know is that it has finished. You don't need to know how or where or why, that shouldn't concern you. What happens in a relationship should be between two people, but I guess some people can't count.

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